

What is Proprioceptive Writing?

A simple method anyone can learn, Proprioceptive Writing®, (PW), is a form of meditative writing practiced to music in 25-minute sessions, both alone and in groups. Through the process of “Inner Hearing,” you can learn to listen to your thoughts with empathy and curiosity and reflect on them in writing. When engaging your thoughts and feelings in this way, you become open, receptive and focused. The mind is freed from anxiety and you are left feeling refreshed, energized, and restored to your natural state of vibrant aliveness. PW is a powerful tool that can be used to awaken your senses and emotions, unburden your mind and resolve emotional conflicts, and connect more deeply with your spiritual self.

PW can be used as a path to self expression and creativity, as a path to spiritual renewal, and as a path to emotional health. Writing is not the end of the practice, but rather the means to gain insight into and power over how we live and think. In the short term PW invigorates your mind. Over time it strengthens your sense of self and connects you to the world. When practiced regularly, PW can bring a new sense of well-being and confidence that is vital to mental health and creativity.