
My name is Ann Munroe Mullen. Since 2009, I’ve been teaching a contemplative writing practice called “Proprioceptive Writing®” (PW). PW  was discovered in 1976 by Linda Trichter Metcalf and is a simple practice that anyone can learn. You don’t need the ambition to write for an audience in order to learn how to practice it and reap its many benefits.

When I say it’s simple to learn, I mean it. After as few as four or five PW sessions, you’ll begin to notice the energetic nature of your thinking in a new way. During a PW session, you work with the thoughts that present themselves to you, whatever they may be, writing what you hear yourself saying, reflecting on what you’ve written and holding an intention to inquire into the meaning of the words you have used.

The simple rhythm of a PW “Write” is express, reflect, express, reflect. The practice of inquiry during a Write allows you to go deeper into thought. As a result, you’ll uncover valuable information, information that was previously hidden to your consciousness, about your experiences and how you’ve thought about them.

Through an ongoing practice of PW, I’ve achieved a clarity about who I and how I think about myself that I never knew was possible. You can, too. I invite you to attend one of my classes, a class taught by other PW teachers, or by Linda Trichter Metcalf herself.

Take a look around my site, order Linda’s book  and get in touch with me if you have any questions.